South American artist and social psychologist currently residing in Iceland.
In my work I seek to connect and strengthen community ties through art.
Since 2008 I began my path in physical theater, projects that combine art and community, illustrated books, poetry, puppet theater, recycled art and cultural management.
Since my arrival in Iceland in 2019, in addition to continuing to develop art forms and workshops for children, I have had experience in tourism related work.

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Edited Story Books

  • 3 Stories about children and institutions: "I have a story, who is going to tell it", "In the hammock on the moon", "For a while". Edited by the Pilot Project of the Alternative Care Unit for Children and Adolescents of the National Secretariat for Children and Adolescents, 2010.
  • Stories about the dictatorship aimed at boys and girls: "Eight magnificent tales of a story." Editorial Fausto, 2008.
  • 2 Stories for early childhood: "The day that noise was released", "Muá and Taguató". Library Gusanitos Collection. Editorial Servilibro. 2005. Reissue 2014.
  • Book - object LIVES, seven riddles in diversity. A book about our ideas of difference. Edited by the authors (Rivarola-Heilborn-Benítez) in 2017. Relaunch in El Granel, 2019.
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    Performer at List i Ljóst - Light Festival, Seydisfjordur. February 2024.

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    Hollvættir á heiði

    Puppeteer and actress for the national theater production “Hollvættir á heiði” directed by Ágústa Skúladóttir and producer by Sláturhúsið á Egilsstöðum. September to December 2023.

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    Secrets of ñandutí

    Executive Producer and performer at “Secrets of ñandutí” puppet and shadow theater show co produced by Kunu'u Títeres, Paraguay - Cia do Abração, Brasil. Premiered in Brazil, January 2023. Premiered in Municipal Theater of Asuncion, Paraguay, 11th February 2023. International and national tour, July 2024

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    Elementary School Seydisfjordur

    Art teacher at Seydisfjardaskóli Elementary School, Seydisfjordur, Iceland, since August 2020 to June 2022.

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    Dear you Art Project

    Cook, part of the kitchen team during the Lunga Festival, June 2022.

    Collaborator in DEAR YOU ART PROJECT, created by Arlene Tucker. Connecting children from Iceland with children from other countries, such as Ukraine and USA, with an emphasis on puppets as cross-cultural bridges. Seydisfjordur, Iceland. September 2021 to May 2022.

    FOTO Úlfrun FOTO Títeres reporteros

    Hospitality job at Brunnhóli, Höfn and waitress at Jon Riki Brewery, Holmur, Hornafjörður. May - July 2020

    Youth worker at Youth Center Félagsmiðstöð Þrykkjan, Höfn, Hornafjörður. From August to December 2019.



    La hamaca y la luna

    Cultural manager, producer and co-founder of the gastronomic business “La hamaca y la luna” – Dinners at home with Juanjo Ivaldi Zaldivar. Gastronomic events once a month from February 2016 to May 2019. And November – December 2023.

    Kunu'u Titeres

    Co-founder, cultural manager, and puppeteer at Kunu'u Puppets Company (Paraguay - Iceland) since 2009 with Carola Mazzotti

    Foto Kunuu Titeres Blog Kunu'u Titeres Facebook Kunu'u Titeres Instagram Kunu'u Titeres

    Making our dream worlds

    Project manager of the itinerant project: Að búa til draumaheima okkar Making Our Dream Worlds' in collaboration with the visual artist Arlene Tucker (Taiwan-Finland) with the support of the East Iceland Structural Funds. (Samband Sveitarfélaga á Austurlandi - SSA). Tour through towns in east Iceland with workshops and performances.

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    Misplaced Gaze

    Project manager of the itinerant project: Misplaced Gaze - Mirada Extraviada. Photography and Poems. Juanjo Ivaldi Zaldivar and Tess Rivarola. With the support of the East Iceland Structural Funds (Samband Sveitarfélaga á Austurlandi - SSA).
    Tour through towns in east Iceland with samples of photography and poems about the nature of Iceland along with workshops in which 67 young people participated who shared their views on Climate Change.
    The exhibition has been inaugurated as "Mirada extraviada" in April 2021 at the Castillo de Mata Museum, curated by the Francis Naranjo Foundation.

    During the whole month of March 2022 in Egilsstaðir - Neskaupstaður - Seyðisfjörður: Traveling exhibition through the fjords of East Iceland, which has included in each location a workshop "Youth Perceptions of Climate Change" in which a total of 68 young people have participated.


    This project has been supported by Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands.


    Stories and community ties

    Project manager of Sögur og samfélags tengsl / Stories and community ties with the support of the South Iceland Estructural Founds (Samtök Sunnlenskra Sveitafélaga SAS).

    This workshop proposal was valued as innovative by the high school Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýslu (FAS) and culminated with a performance by the students: “Stories with bodies”, after 2 months of physical theater training. Höfn, Iceland.

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    Stories with Bodies

    Physical theater workshop for high school students in Höfn. Within the framework of the project “Stories and community ties” with the support of Samtök Sunnlenskra Sveitafélaga (SAS) funds.

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    Director of the Performance: Stories with bodies.

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    Human Library

    Co-organizer in community activity "Human Library" at Höfn library, Hornafjöður (2019).

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    Theater Specialist in Violence Prevention and Social Insertion Project

    Executed in the San Carlos neighborhood of the city of Luque, Paraguay, with IDB financing and executed by the Development Information and Resource Centre CIRD Foundation (Paraguay – EE.UU). From March to December 2018.

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    Director of Collective creation theater play for children and young people in vulnerable situations in peripheral neighborhoods of Asunción. With the Coordinator of residents of the Bañados de Asunción, Paraguay (COBAÑADOS). October and November 2014.

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    Spontaneous Theater Company

    Between 2005 and 2012 he was part of the spontaneous theater company Kusuví, directed by Lirio Obando, with whom he made interventions in the streets, squares and public schools addressing social problems with this participatory device

    foto-Teatro Kusiví-Tessa Rivarola

    Art for memory

    Since 2009, it has been developing street theater interventions and torture sites during the dictatorship “Arte por la memoria” together with Servicio Paz y Justicia Paraguay (SERPAJ PY).



    Puppets and diversity in Nordic countrie

    Actress, Puppeteer, Creator, Entrepreneur, Cultural Producer and workshop guide.

    Symposium panelist in the Diversity Symposium at SAMPO International Puppet Theatre Festival, Helsinky, Finland. Topic of discussion: Puppets and diversity in Nordic countries. August 2022


    Bras Festival

    Create and lead Miniature Puppet workshop at Bras, Festival for children in East Iceland. Developing 2 itinerant puppet workshops for families. Neskaupstadur and Djupivogur. August 2022.


    Small worlds for little puppets

    Create and lead Puppet workshop for kids. Lambe lambe theater box workshop. “Small worlds for little puppets”. District Library (Bókasafn Héraðsbúa). Fund by Sláturhúsið Menningarmiðstöð. 14 and 15th August 2022.

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    Festival Act Alone

    Performer in 22nd INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL ACT ALONE, Sudureyri, Iceland, with 1 show of Lambe Lambe Theater and 1 Puppet Workshop with recyclable materials. August 2022.

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    Barnamenningarhátíð í Reykjavík

    Performer in Festival Barnamenningarhátíð í Reykjavík with 1 show Lambe lambe theater: “An experience in the forest”. Hired by ASSITEJ Iceland, Reykjavik, April 2022.

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    Trilogy of everyday things

    Audiovisual production in times of pandemic. Artistic collaboration between puppet company Kunu’u Títeres, Teatro Miniatura Paraguay and Puller audiovisual.
    The audiovisual piece: "Augusto and the world of things" by Tessa Rivarola addresses the situation of migrants, aggravated by the economic fragility derived from the long quarantines.
    August 2022, Asunción – Paraguay.

    http://trilogiadecosascotidianas/ Foto

    1st HIP Hvammstangi International Puppet Festival

    Performer and workshop lead in 1st HIP Hvammstangi International Puppet Festival, Iceland, with show of Lambe Lambe Theater and Puppet Building Workshop with recyclable materials. October 2020

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    Workshop "Little stories with miniature puppets".

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    2nd HIP Hvammstangi International Puppet Festivall

    Participation of Kunu’u Títeres puppet company (Tess and Carola) with 2 Lambe Lambe theater plays and 1 workshop in the 2nd International Puppet Festival in Hvammstangi, HIP Festival. October, 2021

    FOTO 10 Island with miniature Theater of the small, at the National. FOTO hvammstangi

    Development of the workshop "Small worlds for miniature puppets" during the HIP Festival (October, 2021).

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    Brass Festival

    Workshop guide in Herðubreið, the community center of the city of Seyðisfjörður, during the 2020 fall festival.

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    Remedios Varo

    Unipersonal directed by Raquel Martínez "Remedios Varo, a surrealist soul" in the Spanish-American theater cycle of the Spanish cultural center Juan de Salazar. December 2018.

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    Bird Girl a tribute to Alejandra Pizarnik

    "Bird Girl, a tribute to Alejandra Pizarnik", a work that combines theater and manipulation of objects. Co-production Kunu´u Puppets and Miniature Theater Paraguay. It premiered in September and toured Posadas and Resistencia - Argentina in 2016.
    In 2017 it was presented at the Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano (CCPA).

    Foto cartógrafa-mapa Niña-pájaro-vuela-posadas Niña-pajaro-en-el-ccpa YouTube Niña Pájaro Niña Pájaro en el Teatro de las Americas

    Broken Doll

    National tour (Asunción, Encarnación, Pilar, Ciudad del Este) and international (Buenos Aires / Curitiba) with the work "Broken Doll", performance and installation on social mandates and their effects on bodies. The multimedia proposal was followed by a debate around women / body / desire / power. Together with the artists Ana Brisa Caballero and Marisol Salinas. From June to November 2015.

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    In 2015 he premiered his first Solo “Bellmerides” in Berlin with the direction of Marisol Salinas (El Salvador) and the artistic assistance of Birgitt Asshoff (Berlin).
    In the same year, 1 presentation of the solo Bellmerides was made in Madrid and 10 presentations together with 2 other short works in El Granel, meeting place, Asunción. Within the framework of the production “A cappela”, Jorge Báez's original idea.

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    Hara Teatro company

    Between 2008 and 2014 she was part of the Hara Teatro company, directed by Wal Mayans, with whom she carried out 7 years of anthropological theater laboratory and participated as an actress in tours with plays in Curitiba, Fortaleza (Brazil), Córdoba (Argentina ), Fara Sabina (Italy) and Shanghai (China).

    Foto Cenizas

    Bird Girl a tribute to Alejandra Pizarnik

    Link to Facebook Girl Bird